COVID-19 – When humans get worried, others celebrate ⇒ Kirno Sohochari

Maybe the topic would seem irrelevant if one considers the nightmare happening in the globe due to coronavirus outbreak. The situation was going extreme when this invisible devil first appeared in Wuhan. After that the notorious devil exit from Wuhan to travel the world by making some changes in its protein-shell. True, the world is suffering now and things going worst over time. Economists and policymakers predict another great depression is knocking near since after the Second World War. Finance minister of some Hesse state in Germany who was deeply worried and disturbed by the economic recovery of his state recently found dead near the railway track. Police suspect, he killed himself because escape is better than to exist after corona days.


Image Source: Isolation in Corona days; Web Courtesy: 

… People all over the globe have to ponder once how they destroy wildlife and appeared contagious for Nature’s cycle. Food is for survival and nutrients, but the unbridled killing of wildlife to meet the demand for luxury goods,—is it utterly necessary in modern civilization? Does civilization have a right to treat Nature-bred resources as private for humans? Time is coming to consider these questions with care.
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The world what to say truly is swirling on many minds many confusions quandaries. Historian Yuval Noah Harari once again confirmed his datum based two-world proposition. The world after corona he believed would have no alternative except going to the automation of everything that human life needed to survive. Even in this time when death acts like an Automaton, Harari thinks only two options remain for humans to defeat the death machine. The world leaders have to choose one among these two, “The first is between totalitarian surveillance and citizen empowerment. The second is between nationalist isolation and global solidarity.”, he said.”

Yeah! Everybody, from intellectuals to folks, all are worried to think about the consequent effect of corona in upcoming days. When humans get worried, others celebrate. Nature’s stuff now celebrates the literal freedom they have lost due to the greedy aggression of human civilization. The quality of air improves because the CFC level decreases. Ozonosphere significantly improves to prevent ultraviolet radiation. Birds are flying and chirping even in the metropolis. Dolphins return to the seashore occupied by tourists. The scenario indicates how Nature will regain if the cruelest survivors of Earth take a nap for a few days or maybe vanish forever.

The world after corona defiantly would be not back to the same as what it was before. Everybody from experts to ordinary people should realize wholeheartedly about the disequilibrium they have begetting to some excuses for survival. The human world should make out an exit plan to breach the gap between humans and other species; since Nature’s organisms also have equal validity of living this life according to their own choice and freedom. Maybe it’s time to have a look at man’s utilitarian habits (especially the habits of using wildlife as food and other necessities) once more. The objective of this article is to remember the fact once again.


 Image Source: the wet market in Nanning, China by Robert Ng; Web Courtesy:

… The human world should make out an exit plan to breach the gap between humans and other species; since Nature’s organisms have also equal validity of living this life according to their own choice and freedom. Maybe it’s time to have a look at man’s utilitarian habits (especially the habits of using wildlife as food and other necessities) once more.
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However, virologists take man’s food habits an urgent matter to figure out the logical ground of this pandemic. There might have reasons worried about people’s food habits. The reason for how this deadly virus flared in Wuhan is yet mysterious to the researchers. Rejecting conspiracy theorists’ claim (since there has no authentic proof) that coronavirus is a biological weapon and popped out mistakenly from the biological warfare laboratory in China; in that case, the virus most likely spread from the wet market in Wuhan. Close and less secured contact between human and animal bodies is mostly a common event for such kind of wet markets.

Asian wet markets since long days treated death trap for deleterious microbes. Virologists oft remind about that wet markets in any form can suddenly turn into a sanctuary of contagious microbes. Wuhan’s wet market is nothing exceptional in that context. Wild, domesticated farm-bred birds or animals and humans are staying alongside in these markets. If anyone pondering a bit about the custom of buying and purchasing animal meats in a wet market then none could assuredly say this market is out of danger of transmitted contagious microbes to living organisms and humans.

It has to remember that the history of pandemics in a human society largely related to the merchandising animal bodies since the ancient period. From influenza to plague, Measles to HIV, Rota, Ebola, Dengue, Swine flu, Mars to corona—the source of these viruses are always remaining the same. They spread in human bodies from insects, birds, and wild or farm-bred domesticated animals. This transmission, in other words, reminds human’s complex attachment and behavioral patterns when they deal with wild lives. The ways people follow on hunting and reproduction of wild lives, considering birds or animals a source for food, luxury goods or entertainment, is in word ghoulish and inhuman. Domestication of wildlife in farmhouses to some extent of utilitarianism, and the trading has done there followed by conventional procedures, is simply dreadful for public health.

The coexistence of farm-bred animal bodies in a market with other wild creatures and man’s rule in this amalgamation makes the market a disease transmission zone for everyone. Virologist Jonathan Ball thinks amalgamation of wild lives and farm-bred animals in ‘cramped conditions and in close proximity’ with human beings is worst for both humans and animals. The market could have a chance of becoming the major viral soup at any moment. That’s why none can say the contagious microbes never transmitted in human bodies to bring back the horrid memories of severe epidemics in human history.


Image Source: Reindeer and Chukchi reindeer herder, Siberia, Russia; Web Courtesy: 

… This is the difference between savage and so-called civilized when both of them have entered into the wildlife and make contact with animal-bodies. To a savage, he never thinks the animal bodies should utilize and manufacture by means of myriad ways. Contrary, animal bodies regarded as utility stuff to the civilized one, which he thinks would possible to manufacture by any means.
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Virus-infected species if entered into the wet market perchance then it can easily transmit nosogenic microbes to its homogeneous species, and as well as to humans and all other species. The amalgamation of wild and farm-bred birds, animals, and reptiles in Wuhan’s wet market along with the proximity of humans, virologists now suspects was the reason for corona outburst. This condition is no doubt was playing the incubator of harmful microbes. Professor Ball that’s why clearly said, “When you have this viral soup and you have a collection of pigs, poultry, and bats as you had in that market in Wuhan it’s a perfect incubator of diseases…So live animals, lots of species and cramped conditions—it’s a recipe for disaster.” 

Disaster!—for what reason? Do not need any rocket science to understand the causation. Preventable health precaution and management are necessary for the trading of wild and farm-bred species in a wet market. Asian wet markets are careless about this. The soup bowl was waiting to be overflowed in Wuhan, and it happened on December 19. The virus then after using human bodies a carrier for it and spread all over the world. The Chinese government has infamy to impose surveillance on its citizens, but after this corona pandemic, it is clear the government was careless about its wet markets spread across the country.

Michael Osterholm‘s long expedition about the source of epidemic diseases echoes what Jonathan Ball tried to mention in his research findings. In a conversation with ‘The Daily Telegraph’ Osterholm described his bizarre experience of visiting the mile-long wet market in Bangkok city. A bunch of Ferrets in the cage, which people usually use to catch rabbits, positioned on the top with a stack of poultry chickens in that market. Placing two different species alongside and human’s close association increase the danger of spreading contagious microbes from living organisms to the human bodies. The scenario appeared uncomfortable to them who worked on epidemiology. Michael Osterholm that’s why he didn’t hide his discomfort and said straight, “I have a picture where there are cages full of ferrets and on top of them are chickens. From an influenza standpoint, birds and animals together are not good.”

It debunks man’s ignorance and impassivity to the life cycle, accommodation, adaptation, and sociality of wild creatures. The immunity level of living species growing in the wild environment is different from the species raised in farmhouses. The effect of harmful microbes in both species is not similar to this point. Dispersion of contagious microbe in a wild species where doesn’t make any deep impact due to the immunity level of yonder species; the same microbe might have appeared injurious for the domesticated or farm-bred species. The reverse is also true here. Dispersal of contagious microbes from farm-bred domesticated to the wilds could appear life-threatening for them. Human’s entrance in the disease chain makes the whole scenario more complicated and worse for everyone who now exists in that chain or at later contaminated by this.


Image Source: Chicago, Illinois by Daniel Zalkus; Web Courtesy: Artists draw life under coronavirus;

… Humans are bottleman in that world. They are born and grown inside the bottle and later divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta according to their physical and mental stability to carry the burden of manufactured life under condition. A systematic world benefited by the Soma drug! Which makes people what Margaret Atwood said in her reading on Brave New World, i.e. “everybody is happy now!”
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The impact of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in all over the world can be recollectable in that case. The virus was spreading among human species through SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) infected Chimpanzee and contamination begins from the late 80s of the twentieth century. Virologists didn’t find any crude evidence that can assure SIV is disastrous for Apes or Chimpanzees. However, transmission and changing characteristics of SIV in the human body immediately appeared dreadful and the nightmare is yet continuing in human society. An article published in the famous public health journal The Lancet May-19 issue has come out with the assertion that,—the use of recently discovered anti-viral treatment could halt the copying process of this deadly virus in human cells.

Lancet’s article claimed the treatment could reduce seventy percent HIV transmission in the human body during any sexual contact among humans. The treatment was applied in normally married and eight hundred homosexual couples when the study period was running. The study result shows HIV transmission has appeared near to zero despite having unprotected sex. Around 38 million peoples living all over the world now affected by HIV, where near one million deaths happened in the year 2017. Despite this promising declaration by Lancet, man’s awareness still regarded as the best safeguard to prevent HIV transmission in human bodies.

The late 80s is counted most crucial for this pandemic globally but HIV transmission in human bodies began in the Congo basin from the 20s of the last century. The virus rapidly spread in the whole continent but in that time researchers failed to identify its source, symptom, and character. Influenza (Spanish flu) pandemic in that time appeared more crucial than this unknown contagion of microbes. Near five hundred million people were infected and around fifty million deaths happened due to the rapid whiff of Spanish Flu in the world. The hunting tribe in Africa was might be the reason for HIV transmission through Ape species. Someone in the tribe ate SIV infected Chimpanzee, or else someone wounded by the Ape, and then after the tiny microbe begins to show its game. True, the HIV pandemic appeared disastrous from the late 80s but its existence even remained in the 60s and 70s world! HIV was once again appeared in Africa in that decade. The virus then traveled to Haiti and from there to the USA at the beginning of the 70s. Virologists again failed to guess why peoples in New York and San Francisco are dying by suffering the unknown disease!


Image Source: Journey of a Germ; Web Courtesy: 

… Human eating habits or what they’ve liked to call taste or delicacy now failed to check the limit or follow the necessary marginal line between what to eat and what should not. This tendency is in effect endangered the entire animal planet and as well as makes the human world a depot for malignant microbes. Epidemic and public health experts named it as ‘zoonotic diseases pose’ for human bodies.
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HIV outbreak as a global pandemic reflects the same old behavioral pattern of human civilization towards Naturebond grand wild lives. It repeats the same old unbridled pattern of animal slaughtering by humans. The extravagant tendency of eating animal meat, merciless uses of animal bodies for self-decoration, unrestricted hunting of wildlife for entertainment yet sustained as it was in the past. Merchandising of luxury goods usually have made by animal bodies now treble in today’s world. The same old belief that stimulates human being treats Nature private property for him! Sorry to say, peoples are yet unwilling to discard this trend from their traditional mindset! 

Occupied Nature and thinking it a private property is different from what happened in Siberia when Chukchi people occupied Reindeers to meet the necessity they have yet. Likewise, the mindset of Amazon’s fuzzy pre-historic tribes is not the same repercussion of a civilized one. Both have occupied wildlife but Amazon’s tribe occupied this without meddling Nature’s chain, which the civilized one immediately doing first. What this Siberian Chukchi people or Amazon’s tribes mean as private for them, this mindset stays remote to the meaning invented by the civilized mind. The Hollywood movie sequel ‘Planet of the Apes’ in that case helping a bit to understand the trend, praxis or mindset of civilized man when he exercises animal bodies for personal benefit.

Access and utilization of wildlife happened there by means of the enslavement of animal bodies. This is the difference between savage and so-called civilized when both of them have entered into the wildlife and make contact with animal-bodies. To a savage, he never thinks the animal bodies should utilize and manufacture by means of myriad ways. Contrary, animal bodies regarded as utility stuff to the civilized one, which he thinks would possible to manufacture by any means.

Bit reminder of Aldous Huxley’s novel ‘Brave new world’! Human bodies in this world appeared as the subject of experimentation. Where bodies are waiting for manufactured in the factory. Moreover, they received Soma adrenal drugs so the injected bodies can stay at predefined societal order and discipline! This dystopian world exposed the inner truth—civilization made by humanlike beings never could sustain without manufacturing of bodied existence of anything they have gifted by Nature or something else.

The fate of human-made civilization and its proprietorship patterns are not so remote to the dystopian world Huxley depicts in his novel. Which utilized bodies (humans or anything else) to build a routine world where pain, sorrow, grief, anxiety never exist! Humans are bottleman in that world. They are born and grown inside the bottle and later divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta according to their physical and mental stability to carry the burden of manufactured life under condition. A systematic world benefited by the Soma drug! Which makes people what Margaret Atwood said in her reading on Brave New World, i.e. “everybody is happy now!”


Image Source: Brooklyn, New York by Jackie Ferrentino; Web Courtesy: Artists draw life under coronavirus;

… When humans get worried, others celebrate. Nature’s stuff now celebrates the literal freedom they have lost due to the greedy aggression of human civilization. It indicates how Nature will regain if the cruelest survivors of Earth take a nap for a few days or maybe vanish forever.
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So, let back to the point again. MARS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), the member of the coronavirus family transmitted from Camel to humans. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), according to WHO, was perhaps transmitted from bats to human bodies. The virus first appeared in Guangdong province of southern China in the year 2002. In Corona or COVID-19 case, researchers suspect Civet Cat, the member of Asian palm civet and treated delicious in some parts of China, is the primary source for the current coronavirus contagion.

The history of human’s coalescence with wildlife in excuse of food habits and tradition is nothing but merciless torture and rape of insects of reptiles of rodent mammals of birds and animals in myriad ways. People in the foraging stage killed them for self-defense and as well as to fulfill the biological necessity of hunger. The killing in that stage was happening without any alteration of the natural evolutionary chain. Both wildlife and humans stated alongside and using one another because of the chain which Charles Darwin designated by calling it ‘The Economy of Nature’!

Foragers were an essential part of this chain. The chain was broken when the Agricultural Era and Revolution arrived in people’s life. Historian Yuval Noah Harari described how the first mass extinction of sea and wildlife was happened because of this revolution. People destroyed natural resources in the excuse of land cultivation and housing. The domestication of wild birds and animals got a new pace to serve some utilitarian hunger of human species. The second mass extinction happened all across the Industrial Revolution and the trend is yet continued. The third mass extinction is happening now because of farm-bred genetic mutation of animal bodies. Thirst for excessive protein and luxury goods which human society has accustomed for long days now appear the excuse of this mass extinction. This overconsumption overkilling mindset makes the entire animal kingdom an explosive mine for contagious microbes!


Image Source: A wet market in Beijing; Teh Eng Koon/AFP/Getty; Web Courtesy:

… The ways people follow on hunting and reproduction of wild lives, considering birds or animals a source for food, luxury goods or entertainment, is in word ghoulish and inhuman. Domestication of wildlife in farmhouses to some extent of utilitarianism, and the trading has done there followed by conventional procedures, is simply dreadful for public health.
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Human eating habits or what they’ve liked to call taste or delicacy now failed to check the limit or follow the necessary marginal line between what to eat and what should not. This tendency is in effect endangered the entire animal planet and as well as makes the human world a depot for malignant microbes. Epidemic and public health experts named it as ‘zoonotic diseases pose’ for human bodies. For instance, poultry chickens carried H5N1 avian influenza; and people’s association with poultry chicken now increases the transmission risk of this influenza to humans.

Distance with Nature’s cycle increase over time in the progress of human civilization. Man’s entrance is nothing but a nuisance to this cycle. Human species when they eagerly tried to enter this cycle to make unexpected interference, it reversely appeared injurious for them. ‘The wilds are beautiful in the forest, and children are in the mother’s womb’, —near two centenaries have passed when Sanjib Chandra Chattopadhyay made this beautiful comment in his book ‘Palamou’; his statement then violated in this regard. The history of epidemics may consider a great example to take account of this violation.

Christ’s followers and folks in medieval Europe failed to understand the food chain between cats and rats. Such a belief was growing in their mind that cats are devil’s followers. A mass killing of cats then happened all over the continent. The plague then appeared as a pandemic in that effect. The massive death of people later remembered as Black Death in pandemic history. Around half of the population in Europe was extinct due to the decade long pandemic. Bubonic plague, the third storm in the plague pandemic started in the middle of the nineteenth century from the Yunnan province of China and later transmitted to India along with cholera. The decade long pandemic took fifteen million deaths in that time. Adverse weather along with unplanned housing and sanitation later treated the main cause for this pandemic.

However, it seemed time is coming to think about human’s attachment, habits, and mindset towards the natural cycle of wildlife. Philosopher Peter Singer in his book discussed how the shampoo industries once utilized rabbit’s eyes for testing the correct dose of chemical ingredients they use for fragrant. The risk of blindness in rabbit species was significantly increased due to the unethical practice, which later they obliged to stop due to the overgrowing criticism. Singer raised some questions in his book, where he asked:—does using shampoo is essential to maintain health safety and cleanliness for people? This product is so urgent that except for it human species cannot survive or make them clean? Answer in one word in this complicated amplification and multiplicity of capitalism is hard for everybody!


Image Source: Life in the Coronavirus Era; Web Courtesy: 

… Economists and policymakers predict another great depression is knocking near since after the Second World War. Finance minister of some Hesse state in Germany who was deeply worried and disturbed by the economic recovery of his state recently found dead near the railway track. Police suspect, he killed himself because escape is better than to exist after corona days.
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Right now, the moment of this coronavirus pandemic, let think how it feels when the mightiest human being is locked in the terror of death just because of the tiniest invisible parasite! The human being who thinks himself finest among all other visible and invisible creatures is now willingly quarantined his dubious existence at home. Yes, now he is desperate to avoid the unseen killer that can kill him by moment’s whiff! He appeared none but that opportunist who thinks himself superior over others and now feeling powerless despite his amazing intellect to change the world.

Weird but he has to accept the reality that separation can save his loving fellows whom he anxious for! He now believes maintain social distance can only save him to the terrifying threshold of death! His longest experience of living and buffeting with the unseen enemies now repeats once more! Humanly experience of triumphed over the abrupt epidemic and pandemic through the millennium, it has risen along with the procession of fear of anxiety of uncertainty of paralyzed infirmity and death.

Where the developed nations looked feckless to prevent COVID-19 pandemic then what about the nations mentioned as utterly staying on high-risk contagion level Overpopulated developing nations unless the government has a capacity like China, no system might work to handle this pandemic! No UberMan has seen over there who can save these overpopulated territories if corona started going severe. The majority of people in developing countries are cursed; they have confined in the density and destined to live ghetto life. Attacked by the silent death these people will die even without any clue that corona victimized them unknowingly. None is there who can feed them so they can stay at home for their safety and as well as others. A large group of remote villagers and the slum dwellers in the developing world are yet living in dark about the danger! They are still happily enjoying their time in the social gathering as if nothing will happen if the silent bullet occupied them by sudden!

Strange but the affected margin and death rate have seen marginal compared to the badly infected developed nations! Maybe the virus lost its efficacy due to some genetic changes in its spike protein level. As Dr. D. Nageshwar Reddy suspects coronavirus has done three significant nucleotide changes during its transmission to Europe and America. This change made the microbe more contagious for developed nations in Europe and America. Researchers guess people’s immunity, age, the reluctance of taking the BCG vaccine in infantry age, and other physical complications might appear crucial for these developed nations to prevent the pandemic. Developing nations in that case despite their fragility of the efficient health management system, the rate of contagion and community transmission or death is yet very low compared to the developed!

Many experts now think the natural immunity of developing nations helping them yet to prevent this deadly microbe. Maybe it will attack later by taking different paths. However, people in developing nations are living in fear despite the limited contagion and death due to the deadly microbe! They are in the dark of thinking about what is going next. When there is no alternative, death appears very cheap or trivial to them who are helpless. Developing nations are now reeling around the fence of flawed information and practicing unhygienic methods. They might have appeared dualist to think,—so whatever is inevitably happening, that will happen!


Image Source: Naples, Italy by Sara Gironi Carnevale; Web Courtesy: Artists draw life under coronavirus;

… The human being who thinks himself finest among all other visible and invisible creatures is now willingly quarantined his dubious existence at home. His longest experience of living and buffeting with the unseen enemies now repeats once more! Humanly experience of triumphed over the abrupt epidemic and pandemic through the millennium, it has risen along with the procession of fear of anxiety of uncertainty of paralyzed infirmity and death.
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Honestly said, a philosophical approach seems essential in today’s world, to deal with all problematic issues that are now the main cause for pandemics. People all over the globe have to ponder once how they destroy wildlife and appeared contagious for Nature’s cycle. Food is for survival and nutrients, but the unbridled killing of wildlife to meet the demand for luxury goods,—is it utterly necessary in modern civilization? Does civilization have a right to treat Nature-bred resources as private for humans? Time is coming to consider these questions with care. 

Corona is just the beginning of what is coming next. The frozen icebergs are now melting rapidly from Siberia to Himalaya. Ice Age microbes are now coming out from the melted ice-shell and spreading all over the globe. They are invisible but have capacity eaten up the entire human species. Humans have to decide to fight against the microbes is necessary or it is more important to take alternate paths so human species can avoid the battle. Yeah, people have to fix it first. Bernard Dixon finely wrote about these invisible in his book ‘Power unseen’. He said, “Microbes, not macrobes, rule the world.” People should realize what Dixon beckons through this comment. Maybe time is not ending yet to prevent the downfall of humans!

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Image Source: Sardinia, Italy by Carlo Giambarresi; Web Courtesy: Artists draw life under coronavirus;
… This dystopian world exposed the inner truth—civilization made by humanlike beings never could sustain without manufacturing of bodied existence of anything they have gifted by Nature or something else…
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Photo Cover Credit: Image Source: Sardinia, Italy by Carlo Giambarresi

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